Key Information
The policies and procedures that guide us
Learn more about our commitment to the health and wellbeing of students and staff.
We value all feedback, good or bad, to help us improve the service that we offer.
What equality and diversity means and some of our key equality policies.
We are committed to environmental sustainability.
Our pledges and commitments helping communities.
The importance of providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
An overview of the information security initiatives and processes that the University group has in place.
Research policy and strategy
Find out more about our research policy and strategy.
The administrative hub of the University, responsible for a wide range of functions.
The rules that our students are bound by when they attend the University.
Academic Regulations are intended to provide a framework for our courses.
The University is committed to the highest standards of openness, integrity and accountability. We are committed to conducting our affairs in a responsible and transparent way and to take account of the requirements of our funding bodies for the proper use of public funds and for the standards required in public life.
Where an individual discovers information which they believe is unlawful or shows malpractice, impropriety or wrongdoing within the University Group, or its activities, then this information should be disclosed as soon as possible, without fear of reprisal. Any such disclosure will be investigated in line with our whistleblowing procedure
For more information, please contact:
Claire English, Interim Clerk to the Board of Governors:
To access the procedure directly, please contact:
Other useful information
Our Board of Governors is responsible for ensuring the effective management of the university and its future development.
The Coventry University academic teaching year is composed of three 13 week-long teaching, learning and assessment blocks.
Requests for replacement student ID cards, certificates, diploma supplements, transcripts and results letters.