We are at the forefront of delivering enterprise and employability as part of our undergraduate programme and our employability unit co-ordinates the delivery of this for all students, in the School of Art and Design, the School of Media and Performing Arts, the School of Humanities and the School of Psychological, Social and Behavioural Sciences.
The university's Talent Team understands students, graduates, businesses and the wider economy are looking for the skills and creative talent that will give them an edge. Our specific aim is to meet that challenge and provide students with the transferable skills and enterprising habits that will enable them to be flexible and creative producers throughout their careers.
Our course programmes include workshops, embedded learning, lectures, professional experience, mentoring and one-to-one guidance sessions, so our specialist advisors work to provide an additional reflective experience to the school’s academic practice.
Whether it’s as employees, freelancers or starting up their own businesses, working with the employability unit allow our students the opportunity to develop an enterprising edge and the confidence to move into a rewarding career.
Contact the Talent Team
Tel: +44(0)24 7765 2011
Email: talentteam@coventry.ac.uk
Twitter: @covuniTT
We've also been awarded an overall QS Stars rating of 5 stars and have scored top marks in the following areas:
- 5 stars for teaching (including 100% for teaching satisfaction)
- 5 stars for employability (including 100% graduate employment rate)
- 5 stars for internationalisation