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Digital Marketing Management MSc Course

Marketing is constantly evolving – with social media, new retail channels and disruptive technologies all playing major roles in its development, offering opportunities and risks in equal measure. Step into this world, and explore how to manage marketing within it, with our Digital Marketing Management MSc.

Events and Experience Management MSc Course

The course has been designed to develop a deeper understanding of management within a broad number of events and experience industries, including the arts, heritage, music, entertainment, corporate events such as conferences and exhibitions, and many other cultural and creative businesses.

Politics MA Course

The Politics MA course is designed to give you insight into the ideas, individuals and institutions that shape our world.

Accounting and Financial Management MSc Course

Does the idea of managing budgets get you excited? Explore how finance and business work together and how you can manage them both.

Sports Journalism MA Course

The Sports Journalism MA course seeks to create graduates ready to excel in all media environments. The course is aimed at anyone with an inquisitive mind and a passion for sport – you will learn the practical application of law and regulation in journalism as well as ethics.

Business Analytics MSc Course

This course responds to the current growing demand and a significant shortage of highly trained analysts capable of interpreting data to find new patterns and relationships, informing business decisions accordingly so as to drive growth and successful business performance.

AHRC Midlands4Cities funding for UK/EU students – C-DaRE Invites Applications Research News

The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands to support the professional and personal development of the next generation of arts and humanities doctoral researchers.

Criminal Justice and Violence Across the Lifespan Conference Event

The Criminal Justice and Violence Across the Lifespan conference will be of interest to academics, law enforcement agencies, students, government and non-government organisations sharing an interest on diverse ways in which violence intersects with the criminal justice system.

Improving supply chain sustainability in Indonesia Research News

Researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Business in Society have taken part in the third Indonesian Circular Economy Forum, raising awareness of food waste in the supply chain.

Aluminum Forum Poland Research News

Dr Alexeis Garcia-Perez is a member of the Future Aluminium Forum’s advisory board, and was invited to run a workshop at their two-day conference on cyber security management to over 130 senior representatives from industry and covered a range of topics related to Industry 4.

On Gesture Symposium Research News

Gesture Symposium event was met with a very positive response and opened the conversation along avenues that were not anticipated. Importantly, the day demonstrated gesture’s role in the emerging postdigital landscape.

Aalsmeer flower workshop Research News

Dr Jill Timms, Dr David Bek and CBiS’s PhD Candidate Nora Lanari led a workshop with stakeholders from the cut-flower industry hosted by Fleurametz in Aalsmeer, Holland in April.

Novel approaches for modelling flow in porous media Research News

Research by Ran Holtzman highlights novel approaches for modelling fluid flow through porous media, has been published in PNAS.

World Social Marketing Conference Research News

Professor Sally Dibb was Academic Chair of the World Social Marketing Conference held in Edinburgh on the 4th and 5th June.

Pirate Care June 2019 - Video Documentation Research News

Pirate Care June 2019 - Video Documentation

CBiS Project Selected as a Finalist in Research with Impact Category Research News

A project based in the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS) at Coventry University has been shortlisted as a Finalist in the UK and Ireland Green Gown Awards 2019 RESEARCH WITH IMPACT (INSTITUTION) CATEGORY, sponsored by Emerald Publishing.

The Ethics of Emergent Creativity Research News

A new chapter by Dr Janneke Adema, Research Fellow Digital Media (Centre for Postdigital Cultures) is out on ‘The Ethics of Emergent Creativity: Can We Move Beyond Writing as Human Enterprise, Commodity and Innovation?’

Call For Papers: Dance and The Archive Research News

Dance has long been regarded as an art form that is challenging to archive because the “time-based phenomenology of dance is a challenge for dance archivists” (Oke 2017, 197)

CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million Project Research News

CPC Researchers to lead a £2.8 million project to develop an open, not-for-profit community-owned ecosystem for open access monographs.

International Women’s Day 2019 – Alumni spotlight

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day 2019 is #BalanceforBetter. Great strides have been made in breaking down gender barriers in industries including automotive, technology, construction, the arts and within the humanitarian arena.