Trusted Intelligent Connected Autonomous Vehicles (TIC-IT)
Innovate UK
Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Value to Coventry University
Project team
Dr Huw Davies, Dr Christophe Bastien, Kevin Vincent, Dr Karthik Ekambaram, Andrew Parkes
The Trusted Intelligent Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) consortium – known as TIC-IT – is led by HORIBA MIRA in partnership with Coventry University and is part of the national strategy to establish the UK as a global-leading centre of excellence for the development, testing and commercialisation of CAVs.
Duration of project
01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020
Project overview
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are expected to bring huge benefits to society, representing a substantial wealth creation opportunity. To turn this opportunity into reality, the UK must build an ecosystem to accelerate the development, deployment and commercialisation. The Trusted Intelligent CAV (TIC-IT) facility will be critical to this ecosystem, providing a realistic, controlled high speed, limit-handling and fully connected environment.
Allowing real world CAV driving scenarios to be created, including testing that cannot be conducted in public environments, TIC-IT will be a flexible facility allowing the maximum number of use cases and test scenarios to be performed using temporary real world features. It will accelerate development and testing to ensure CAVs are safe and secure. Developed in conjunction with Coventry University’s Research Institute for Future Transport and Cities, CAV (TIC-IT) will bring a unique capability to the UK by increasing the level of test and engineering activities conducted allowing the consortium to build its capability in CAV as well as enhancing the attractiveness of the UK to inward investment.
One of the major issues facing road transportation globally is ever increasing urbanisation and the resultant congestion, a major contributor to this congestion is parking efficiency. CAV and the associated technologies and the move towards Mobility as a Service present a major opportunity to solve this parking challenge.
Project objectives
Creation of a world class Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) testing facility, which is purpose built, realistic and safe environment for testing CAVs up to the limit of their operability. This project is a critical activity to ensure consumer confidence in new technologies, by enabling a wide range of CAV driving scenarios to be tested. The Centre for Connected Autonomous Automovite Research (CCAAR) is developing methodologies to discover edge case safety scenarios for future vehicles while developing the digital twin of the facility.