Researcher Vacancies at CTPSR
Since establishment in 2014, CTPSR has grown and built an international reputation for work with communities to transform approaches to positively address aspects of violent conflict at multiple levels, including local communities, regions and nations.
Central to its core work on peacefulness is a study and understanding of the role of trust, resilience and cohesiveness in societies. CTPSR places emphasis on relationships through issues and contexts such as international migration and displacement, conflict resolution and reconciliation, social identity, inequality and mobility, wealth and poverty, integration and pluralism, prejudice and discrimination, inter-group conflict and cooperation, the problem of civil rights and the politics of equality.
CTPSR’s innovative work uses a holistic approach of direct engagement with grassroots organisations, which has transformational impact on the ground. Its diverse research teams have direct field experience of the whole conflict cycle: from prevention, response and conflict mitigation. The measured value and impact of the work is evident in the influence it has had on peacefulness in communities, and for people, who deal on a daily basis with violent conflict and unstable contexts.
Developing our research is a strategic priority for our centre; significant investment has been made into facilities, research staff and research support services. To support planned future growth the university is expanding its portfolio of research and our centre has the following posts; select the relevant link to find out more and apply.
Current Vacancies
Assistant Professor in Protective Security