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If you would like to consider an alternative, we have many courses on offer in the College of Engineering, Environment and Science at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Spotlight on: Manufacturing Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons)
This exciting course supports the well-publicised increase in national and global manufacturing activity. The course is designed and delivered in conjunction with Unipart Manufacturing Group and is integrated with industry.
Manufacturing Engineering in today’s competitive global environment has evolved from traditional impressions of the sector into a highly advanced cross-sector industry associated with tech products and innovative processes.
A new and exciting era is upon us with an emphasis being placed on our need to increase our skills, knowledge levels and creativity to meet the challenges of the 21st Century international manufacturing environment.
Need more information?
If you'd like to talk about your options in more detail or to discuss a specific course, prospective UK students can contact our admissions office by:
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7765 8656
Email: ukadmissions@coventry.ac.uk
If you are an international student, you can contact the International Office by:
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7765 2152 or via our online form.